Friday, June 7, 2013

The city of eternal spring versus the surprise city
In Colombia we can find many cities for to know, cities with diversities of mores. In this occasion I want to talk about the city where I live and the city where I lived many things when I was a Child. The two cities are the eternity spring city that is Medellin where I live now and the surprise city that is Pasto very near my town Santiago Putumayo. Now I’m study Mathematics at the Universidad de Antioquia in Medellin and know many places in this city, some very interesting and others no much. Also I remember many experiences when I was a child that lived on the city of Pasto. Now I am going to compare these two cities according to my ideas and thougth, looks advantages and disadvantages.

1)      In this year (2013) Medellin obtain a prize how the most innovate city of the world, Medellin competed with others important cities of the world by obtain this prize and fortunately Medellin was winner.  This proved that Medellin is the best city in Colombia and also the best city in the world obviously.

2)      But Medellin has some things that are not beautiful, for example, some streets are always dirtier while in others places of Medellin the streets are cleanest. This problem affects the image of the city because one can think that all the streets of Medellin are cleaner but problems as the indigence affects the image of Medellin. Pasto is a city in the south of Colombia; I remember that when I was a child Pasto had some problems with the image of the city but the governmental entities with the pass of years have transformed the image of a dirty city to a cleaner city. I think that Medellin needs pay attention to these problems.

3)      Medellin is bigger than Pasto, I think that is very difficult to have all things in order but this city has more technological parks than Pasto because Explora park, Botanical Garden, north Park, lights park are parks that representing science, nature, technology and investigation, because in each one of these parks one can find near a library. For example explora Park is a Park of the science, technology with other things.

4)      Medellin has buildings that are more modern than some buildings in Pasto. For example Medellin has modern library parks while in Pasto there not many  library parks.

5)      Pasto is cheaper than Medellin because many products are produced in the near towns to Pasto for example my town produced milk, corn, tomato, beans and potatoes that to be sold in Pasto and others cities of Colombia. As Pasto is near to Ecuador many products are exported and imported, this favors the offers on many class of products.

6)      As the population in Pasto is much smaller than the population of Medellin, Pasto has more offers of products while Medellin has to import many products of the farms because these things represented more demand.  For this cause Medellin is more expensive than Pasto.

These are some things that I had in mind to comment, but I  love to Medellin and Pasto because these cities represents much for me.


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