Sunday, June 16, 2013


What you have done?

What you have never done?

My life when I lived in Santiago Putumayo

I lived in Santiago Putumayo for 20 years. I grew in this town and enjoyed all my childhood in farms, in my town and played many games with others children. I loved the dishes of many foods of my land for example I liked a dish of cuy, a dish of mote and a dish of creoles roster, mmmm each one of these dishes were very delicious. When I was 8 I learned milking the cows and enjoyed very much working with livestock. When I was 7 I learned to drive bicycle, when I was 11 I learned to drive a motorcycle and when I was 12 I learned to drive my father's truck. I enjoyed very much drove because I liked seeing the geography of my country. When I was 7 I began to study in the school and when I was 17 I finished my studies in my high school.

I’ve cooked a meal for my parents but never cooked a meal for a lot people. Sometimes I worked in farms of our neighbors and many times I worked with my parents in our lands. I’ve helped to my grandparents when they were sick but never had I helped another person’s because I didn’t have the opportunity.

Many times I enjoyed of the Canaval of my comunity Inga.



  1. enjoyed very much worked with livestock. ( use ing after the verb enjoy)
    drive a truck of my father. my father's truck
    enjoyed very much drove ( idem)
    liked seen th (use -ing after the verb like)

  2. others children other
    the dishes of many foods of my land -- the different dishes of my land e

    I liking ( what is this?)
    enjoying very much worked --I enjoyed working with
    I enjoying very --- I enjoyed driving
    I liked seen --- I liked seeing
    n they were sickness -- they were sick
