Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Activity: Description of an invent.

Induction Motor

The Induction motor was invented by Nikola Tesla who was a great inventor in the centuries XIX and XX. The induction motor is also known as asynchronous motor these are A.C. motors, these types of motors generate electrical energy  or can work with  currents oscillating A.C. depending of the objective of  its use   while the D.C. motors consist on generators that  establish  currents continuous, meaning that the currents has the same direction every time  but can change its magnitude or has continuous magnitude for some time, all these things depends of the source and these type of motors can  also employed in generation of currents D.C. or many other applications with currents D.C. REMARK. A D.C. motor  is different to a A.C motor. When we say alternating currents A.C, this means the change of direction of the currents i.e. these currents has a direction in some instant of time and another direction in other instant of time. This behavior is illustrated in the next graphic.

These AC motors are used in industrial drives because they are rugged, reliable and economical.

The induction generator or asynchronous generator is a particular induction motor to produce power from mechanic energy transformed on electrical energy, these are used in the generation of electrical energy. Thanks of these types of motors Nikola Tesla thought on generating alternating  currents and used these currents in the electric energy transmit. All these things happened in 1893 in a public exhibition in Chicago, with this exhibition Nikola Tesla demonstrated the higher power of the alternating currents because before the cost of energy transmit were very expensive because  were used continuous currents D.C. and the wires were very widths. With the alternating currents Tesla only needed thin wires and the efficiency on transmit energy electrical was higher and cheaper than the cost by transmit electrical energy with continuous currents D.C. Today this system of transmit power A.C. it is used in all the world for the reasons that are  explained in this text.  Additionally the induction motor today is used in many works as in the kitchens with the use of the blenders and mixers and many others appliances and tools in the industry. 

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
The people in the scientist world say that Tesla invented in all your life more of 300 patents and many of these were discover after the dead of Tesla. Today many of these patents everybody knows its existence.


  1. motor these are AC motors--punctuation
    these types of motors generate(s) electrical energy
    this meaning changes in the directions (this means the change of direction)
    these currents has---has? a direction
    that are explained
    the use(d) of the blenders
    world scientist --word order

    1. I made all the corrections in this text. Thanks very much teacher.

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