Sunday, June 9, 2013

Public University versus Private University

Sculpture in the University of Antioquia

In Colombia there are two system of high education that are public and private. As everybody knows, the public education is finance for the state starting with schools until universities. In the case of the universities on Colombia obtain the best positions Public Universities for example the National University of Colombia (in Bogota city) on the first place with a score of 126.75 after the University of Antioquia (in Medellin city) with a score of 67.57, University of Valle (in Cali city) with a score of 45.23 and the National University of Colombia (in Medellin city) with a score of 39.31 obtain the second, third and fourth place respectively;  i.e. that the most innovate city of the world that is Medellin has two the best universities of Colombia. On the other hand the best private universities of Colombia are Pontificia Javeriana University (in Bogota) with a score of 44.65 and University of the Andes (In Bogota) with a score of 42.08 are the main Universities of Colombia for the high education.

Now I comment some things that are very important, advantages and disadvantages.

1) For those who want to study on the one private university, he must have much money because the private education on Colombia is more expensive than public education starting with the schools, high school until Universities.

2). With one view of the records, I can to say that the best Universities of Colombia are Public Universities starting with National University of Colombia (in our capital city of Bogota) after our University of Antioquia (In the most innovate city that is Medellin) and University of Valle (in the beauty city of Cali).

Library University of Antioquia.
3) The poor people only have two options that are: or study on the public University with a credit of Icetex or study on a private University also with a credit of Icetex. The difference is that the credit of Icetex for study on a public university is cheaper than a credit for study on a private University since on a Public university only need money for stay, already that the costs of registration are very cheaper while if you to be study on a private university is need pay stay more the expensive cost of the registration at these universities.

4). There are many universities in Colombia but if you seek will be in the best university of Colombia I recommend that study in one of this universities Public that listen in this text. It is necessary to be very smart.

5) For my experience I tell that the environment in the public university is one of the friendliest environments that I stayed because the people are friendly, modest, responsible, disciplined and optimistic. I don’t know how the environments on a private University as, but my experience of study in a public university I tell to you that is one the best experiences in my life.

Students in the library University of Antioquia

This is all I wished to tell to you.

Thanks very much for read my write.

1 comment:

  1. Activity: Compare a private university to a public university.
