Sunday, June 9, 2013

My Uncle Ramiro and my Mother Maria

I admire my uncle Ramiro as much as my mother. My mother lives in Santiago Putumayo and my uncle lives in San Francisco Putumayo and Ramiro is Maria’s brother. They are great farmers and the people of Santiago Putumayo say that my mother is the best farmer in my town Santiago Putumayo and the people of San Francisco say that my uncle Ramiro is the best farmer in these town. Ramiro is taller and younger than Maria. They are thinner than I am and they work very hard in their fields and they are better at livestock than I am. My uncle always say: "My sister is the most careful person I know", this is true because my mom pays much attention to everything in her work, she is careful with livestock and wait that all be well.

When I was a farmer find some works of fields more difficult than others and my mother together with me worked very hard. After I sold my land and decided studying. I always remember my mother and my uncle Ramiro because they taught many things about the life and about work.  It is for this reason that I admire them.