Sunday, June 16, 2013

History of a theft in a trip
Yesterday a woman was in a trip with her son and while they traveled in a point of their way she saw that many buses stopped and it was near midnight.  Suddenly all travelers knew that they were in a hold-up, immediately this woman called the police and waited that the police arrives soon. Unfortunately the thieves approached the bus where the woman traveled and they forced travelers to abandon all their belongings. These thieves robbed this woman a cell phone, a photographic camera and all her money that she had, but fortunately her son had in a bag a computer and money, but these wicked men didn’t rob to child. The thieves got off  quickly of the bus and all passengers were much afraid because these thieves had guns and knives. When the police arrived to the crime scene the environment was quietly and  the policemen didn’t find the thieves. Then the police ordered to all drivers to continue their way. All these things happened yesterday and fortunately nobody were hurt.


  1. ____ saw she saw
    ___ was It was
    called (to) the police
    police arrive_
    ( to) approached
    robbed (to) this woman
    didn’t robbed -- negative form
    didn’t found --- negative form
    continue (with) their way
    nobody were hurt -- was
    (with) much afraid
