Monday, June 10, 2013

Story in a shop of shoes

Jimmy: Hi
Saleswoman: Hi. Can I help you?
Jimmy: Yes. I’m seeking for a pair of black elegant shoes. Are there of this kind of shoes here?
Saleswoman: Yes, of course. There are many pair of these elegant shoes. Our shop sells much this ware. Come with me and try some.
Jimmy. O.k. Let’s go!
Saleswoman: Do you prefer with laces or no laces?
Jimmy: With laces please.
Saleswoman: Look at these, are beautiful and one pair of this looks fantastic on you.
Jimmy. Yes. I'd like look one these pair of shoes that are on this stand.
Saleswoman: Good choice. These shoes are of good quality and of very recognized mark. Which of these do you like?
Jimmy: I'd like these black shining shoes. These are beside  brown shoes.
Saleswoman: O.k. What size do you want?
Jimmy: I want a pair of size 41.
Saleswoman: O.k. Wait a moment please.
Jimmy: O.k. Do not take care.
Saleswoman: These are your shoes, try them.
Jimmy: Yes. These are my shoes.  How much cost these?
Saleswoman: $40
Jimmy: O.k. I want buy two pairs.
Saleswoman: O.k. Annie brings other pair of this same shoes.

Saleswoman: Do you pay with a credit card or check or cash?
Jimmy: I pay cash.
Saleswoman: Good Sir. Here you’re shoes, your receipt and your repayment. Excuse me. What is your name?
Jimmy: My name is Jimmy.
Saleswoman: My name is Carolyn Nice to meet you.
Jimmy. Nice to meet you too Carolyn.
Jimmy. Well. Thank you very much for all I return soon.
Saleswoman: Well Jimmy. Bye.
Jimmy: Bye.

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