Monday, June 10, 2013

Ludwig Van Beethoven
Beethoven is a wonderful character in the history of music since with his melodies in their time rejoiced and glad palaces, cathedrals and until our days many people enjoy of the works that he composed. He composed melodies and these were executed by a group of musicians His nationality is German.
One of his works was declared cultural heritage of humanity by the UNESCO. This melody is object of many adaptations and world famous. This melody is an anthem, the anthem of European Union.  
He was deaf when composed his most important work. The ninth symphony is the most important manuscript of our artist invited in this wrote.

Ludwig van Beethoven a great composer who let a rich legacy in baroque music, his melodies no has times and even today appreciates his works for the rich contend that they have.

1 comment:

  1. Activity: Paste a photo of a famous person and describe him or her.
