Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The weather in Medellin

Last weekend it was beautiful because I enjoyed a sunny day. I played soccer on Sunday June 16th with my friends because there was  good time and the soccer field of my university  was free. Yesterday it rained at night and I enjoyed seeing the storm of midnight. It was a sunday for me to take a walk and enjoy the nature.


Did you know that…?

*Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is 29,035 feet (8850 meters) high.

*Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. It can be 900 degrees Fahrenheit (482 degrees Celsius)

*The dwarf gecko is the shortest reptile in the world. It is only 0,63 inches (1,6 centimeters) long.

*The blue whale is the heaviest animal in the world. It weighs about 110 tons (99790 kilograms).

*Vatican city is the smallest country in the world. It is 0, 15 square miles (0,4 square kilometers). About 880 people live there.

*The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan the longest bridge in the world. It is about 6,532 feet (1991 meters) long.

How find my neighborhood in Medellin?

It is very easy finding my neighborhood in Medellin; you only need to be in the center of the city after find my neighborhood called Prado Centro. The building where I live  is in Prado Centro, it is on the corner of the Carabobo Avenue and the Moore Street, it is in front of the Church of Jesus of Nazareth, it is near of the SIU [Sede de investigación Universitaria] as you can see in the map.

Some nearby places of my neighborhood are Deseos Park; to eight blocks from my building, The University of Antioquia  is six blocks from my building and North Park, Botanical garden Park and Explora Park  are  ten blocks from my building. The University Hospital is two blocks from my building and Medicine Faculty U of A it is only to one block from my building. Behind to my building there are many mortuaries, a High School and a bakery. My building it is called San Juan del Corral, next to my building there is a restaurant called Mario’s chickens. Also next to other side of my building there is a shop of florist and near a neighborhood store. Finally the train station called Prado is  four blocks from my building.

I traveled on my motorcycle with my mother when unfortunately the tire got flattened, we went in a jungle for one hour out of the town. Fortunately, my mother knows some farmers that lived in the zone near where we were, we walked for 1 km and found a house, immediately my mother call a friend who worked beside the house. He came to where we were, greeted and asked. What do you need? We answered that we needed some tools and patches to repair the tire. Then, he quickly sought in a drawer and lend out our tools and patches. With these tools and patches it was easy to repair the spoilt tire. After a few minutes the tire was repaired and we were very grateful with the man, we said goodbye and we continued our travel quickly because we needed  to arrive  to our house before the sundown because our motorcycle didn´t have lights.
Activity: forms ed and ing.

Varied sentences.

*A month ago, I was surprised because my father bought a new car. That is surprising.

*I have to write four sentences more but I don't have more paper to print all my work. That is worrying.

*We see a beautiful house to buy. That is interesting.

*Today I am excited because I solved fifteen Real analysis problems. That is amazing.

*In this night I am worried because I cann't sleep. That is worrying.

*I am interested in learning English very well because I want to study at Cambridge University or Princeton University or Harvard University. That is astonishing.

Thank you very much for read this text.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


What you have done?

What you have never done?

My life when I lived in Santiago Putumayo

I lived in Santiago Putumayo for 20 years. I grew in this town and enjoyed all my childhood in farms, in my town and played many games with others children. I loved the dishes of many foods of my land for example I liked a dish of cuy, a dish of mote and a dish of creoles roster, mmmm each one of these dishes were very delicious. When I was 8 I learned milking the cows and enjoyed very much working with livestock. When I was 7 I learned to drive bicycle, when I was 11 I learned to drive a motorcycle and when I was 12 I learned to drive my father's truck. I enjoyed very much drove because I liked seeing the geography of my country. When I was 7 I began to study in the school and when I was 17 I finished my studies in my high school.

I’ve cooked a meal for my parents but never cooked a meal for a lot people. Sometimes I worked in farms of our neighbors and many times I worked with my parents in our lands. I’ve helped to my grandparents when they were sick but never had I helped another person’s because I didn’t have the opportunity.

Many times I enjoyed of the Canaval of my comunity Inga.


I want to Future these things

When I finish my studies in Mathematics in the university of Antioquia I want to finish my studies in physics in Brazil, I am going to finish my studies of Mathematics in the year 2015 and it is possible that finish my studies on physics in the year 2016 at the University called [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro]. Also it is possible that in this year 2013 I will  study Chemistry and Biology with my friend Juan Carlos in the National University because we will publish articles about applications of statistics in genetics specially Bayesian Statistics, then it is necessary that I know about Genetics. Also in December in the year 2014 I will get my English  grade in Multilingua. Oh my God, there are many dreams and many projects.
Well after all these things I want to study at The United States in Harvard University or Princeton University, it is for this reason that I am working very hard because I need to get much knowledge and of this way I will to get much success in my studies of postgraduate.
One time that I obtain my academic success I am going to get married with my girlfriend and we will have many children as minimum two.
I am going to give much happiness to my parents because I believe that all things are possible in my Lord Jesus Christ.
I love learning English because this language will open all doors to my plans. I want to return to Colombia after my studies of postgraduate and work in some University of my Country. I also love learning Physics of particles, algebraic structures and understand Statistics. My favorite book  will always be the Holy Bible.

History of a theft in a trip
Yesterday a woman was in a trip with her son and while they traveled in a point of their way she saw that many buses stopped and it was near midnight.  Suddenly all travelers knew that they were in a hold-up, immediately this woman called the police and waited that the police arrives soon. Unfortunately the thieves approached the bus where the woman traveled and they forced travelers to abandon all their belongings. These thieves robbed this woman a cell phone, a photographic camera and all her money that she had, but fortunately her son had in a bag a computer and money, but these wicked men didn’t rob to child. The thieves got off  quickly of the bus and all passengers were much afraid because these thieves had guns and knives. When the police arrived to the crime scene the environment was quietly and  the policemen didn’t find the thieves. Then the police ordered to all drivers to continue their way. All these things happened yesterday and fortunately nobody were hurt.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Activity: People performing different activities.

A song called farmer
In this video of the song called farmer, there are many people in a marketplace. The main artist on this song wore a brown hat, a black sweater with a white T-shirt, a stripes coat, a blue jean and he has one guitar. A second artists in this song wore a cream beret, a dark blue shirt with white trouser, he has a instrument and a third artist wore a squares shirt, a gray jeans and he also has one guitar. In this video these artists are singing while some people seeing and others doing their activities in a marketplace. This video and the lirycs of this song are beautiful.

Activity: Description of an invent.

Induction Motor

The Induction motor was invented by Nikola Tesla who was a great inventor in the centuries XIX and XX. The induction motor is also known as asynchronous motor these are A.C. motors, these types of motors generate electrical energy  or can work with  currents oscillating A.C. depending of the objective of  its use   while the D.C. motors consist on generators that  establish  currents continuous, meaning that the currents has the same direction every time  but can change its magnitude or has continuous magnitude for some time, all these things depends of the source and these type of motors can  also employed in generation of currents D.C. or many other applications with currents D.C. REMARK. A D.C. motor  is different to a A.C motor. When we say alternating currents A.C, this means the change of direction of the currents i.e. these currents has a direction in some instant of time and another direction in other instant of time. This behavior is illustrated in the next graphic.

These AC motors are used in industrial drives because they are rugged, reliable and economical.

The induction generator or asynchronous generator is a particular induction motor to produce power from mechanic energy transformed on electrical energy, these are used in the generation of electrical energy. Thanks of these types of motors Nikola Tesla thought on generating alternating  currents and used these currents in the electric energy transmit. All these things happened in 1893 in a public exhibition in Chicago, with this exhibition Nikola Tesla demonstrated the higher power of the alternating currents because before the cost of energy transmit were very expensive because  were used continuous currents D.C. and the wires were very widths. With the alternating currents Tesla only needed thin wires and the efficiency on transmit energy electrical was higher and cheaper than the cost by transmit electrical energy with continuous currents D.C. Today this system of transmit power A.C. it is used in all the world for the reasons that are  explained in this text.  Additionally the induction motor today is used in many works as in the kitchens with the use of the blenders and mixers and many others appliances and tools in the industry. 

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
The people in the scientist world say that Tesla invented in all your life more of 300 patents and many of these were discover after the dead of Tesla. Today many of these patents everybody knows its existence.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Story in a shop of shoes

Jimmy: Hi
Saleswoman: Hi. Can I help you?
Jimmy: Yes. I’m seeking for a pair of black elegant shoes. Are there of this kind of shoes here?
Saleswoman: Yes, of course. There are many pair of these elegant shoes. Our shop sells much this ware. Come with me and try some.
Jimmy. O.k. Let’s go!
Saleswoman: Do you prefer with laces or no laces?
Jimmy: With laces please.
Saleswoman: Look at these, are beautiful and one pair of this looks fantastic on you.
Jimmy. Yes. I'd like look one these pair of shoes that are on this stand.
Saleswoman: Good choice. These shoes are of good quality and of very recognized mark. Which of these do you like?
Jimmy: I'd like these black shining shoes. These are beside  brown shoes.
Saleswoman: O.k. What size do you want?
Jimmy: I want a pair of size 41.
Saleswoman: O.k. Wait a moment please.
Jimmy: O.k. Do not take care.
Saleswoman: These are your shoes, try them.
Jimmy: Yes. These are my shoes.  How much cost these?
Saleswoman: $40
Jimmy: O.k. I want buy two pairs.
Saleswoman: O.k. Annie brings other pair of this same shoes.

Saleswoman: Do you pay with a credit card or check or cash?
Jimmy: I pay cash.
Saleswoman: Good Sir. Here you’re shoes, your receipt and your repayment. Excuse me. What is your name?
Jimmy: My name is Jimmy.
Saleswoman: My name is Carolyn Nice to meet you.
Jimmy. Nice to meet you too Carolyn.
Jimmy. Well. Thank you very much for all I return soon.
Saleswoman: Well Jimmy. Bye.
Jimmy: Bye.

Ludwig Van Beethoven
Beethoven is a wonderful character in the history of music since with his melodies in their time rejoiced and glad palaces, cathedrals and until our days many people enjoy of the works that he composed. He composed melodies and these were executed by a group of musicians His nationality is German.
One of his works was declared cultural heritage of humanity by the UNESCO. This melody is object of many adaptations and world famous. This melody is an anthem, the anthem of European Union.  
He was deaf when composed his most important work. The ninth symphony is the most important manuscript of our artist invited in this wrote.

Ludwig van Beethoven a great composer who let a rich legacy in baroque music, his melodies no has times and even today appreciates his works for the rich contend that they have.

Story how my mom and my dad met
When my mother and my father met, they studied on San Francisco in the high school called Almirante Padilla. In an occasion my mother was in a trip to Ecuador with other classmates because usually these high school promote these activities for the students population amusement. It happened that my father also was in this trip and my father usually looked to my mother more they never talked because they weren't classmates. It occured that when all returning to places of origin, in this trip unfortunately one of the buses got damaged but my fortunately everyone got off the buses and my parents met and talked for first time

After this my parents used to go out more often and they shared many things, all these things passed in the high school on San Francisco Putumayo. After of some months my parents fell in love since, my father to be interested in my mother and she fell in love because met in my dad a great man. Then my mother accepted to be my father´s girlfriend.

This story of my parents, began in December in 1983; after they met and shared, they decided to marry on December 22th in 1985.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

How prepare a sweet of arequipe.

The arequipe is a derivate lacteous of the milk, in the south of Colombia this is a delicious dessert that can be degusted with desserts, ice creams, cheeses and many other dishes. In my house my mom together with my dad known how makes a sweet of arequipe. They proceeded in the next form:

-3 liters of whole milk
-1 2/3 of pounds sugar
-½ teaspoon baking soda
-¼ teaspoon salt
-1 cinnamon stick


First: In a medium pot, combine all the ingredients while the milk it’s exposed to a medium fire and waited for 45 minutes.

Second: Next you reduce the fire to medium-low, stirring often with a wooden spoon for about three hours or until the color changes to caramel and the mixture is thick as a pudding. Let it cool.

Third: Pour into a glass container and cover. Finally this delicious arequipe may be employed how dessert or how a complement in any dish. The children like taste of the arequipe.

My Uncle Ramiro and my Mother Maria

I admire my uncle Ramiro as much as my mother. My mother lives in Santiago Putumayo and my uncle lives in San Francisco Putumayo and Ramiro is Maria’s brother. They are great farmers and the people of Santiago Putumayo say that my mother is the best farmer in my town Santiago Putumayo and the people of San Francisco say that my uncle Ramiro is the best farmer in these town. Ramiro is taller and younger than Maria. They are thinner than I am and they work very hard in their fields and they are better at livestock than I am. My uncle always say: "My sister is the most careful person I know", this is true because my mom pays much attention to everything in her work, she is careful with livestock and wait that all be well.

When I was a farmer find some works of fields more difficult than others and my mother together with me worked very hard. After I sold my land and decided studying. I always remember my mother and my uncle Ramiro because they taught many things about the life and about work.  It is for this reason that I admire them.

Public University versus Private University

Sculpture in the University of Antioquia

In Colombia there are two system of high education that are public and private. As everybody knows, the public education is finance for the state starting with schools until universities. In the case of the universities on Colombia obtain the best positions Public Universities for example the National University of Colombia (in Bogota city) on the first place with a score of 126.75 after the University of Antioquia (in Medellin city) with a score of 67.57, University of Valle (in Cali city) with a score of 45.23 and the National University of Colombia (in Medellin city) with a score of 39.31 obtain the second, third and fourth place respectively;  i.e. that the most innovate city of the world that is Medellin has two the best universities of Colombia. On the other hand the best private universities of Colombia are Pontificia Javeriana University (in Bogota) with a score of 44.65 and University of the Andes (In Bogota) with a score of 42.08 are the main Universities of Colombia for the high education.

Now I comment some things that are very important, advantages and disadvantages.

1) For those who want to study on the one private university, he must have much money because the private education on Colombia is more expensive than public education starting with the schools, high school until Universities.

2). With one view of the records, I can to say that the best Universities of Colombia are Public Universities starting with National University of Colombia (in our capital city of Bogota) after our University of Antioquia (In the most innovate city that is Medellin) and University of Valle (in the beauty city of Cali).

Library University of Antioquia.
3) The poor people only have two options that are: or study on the public University with a credit of Icetex or study on a private University also with a credit of Icetex. The difference is that the credit of Icetex for study on a public university is cheaper than a credit for study on a private University since on a Public university only need money for stay, already that the costs of registration are very cheaper while if you to be study on a private university is need pay stay more the expensive cost of the registration at these universities.

4). There are many universities in Colombia but if you seek will be in the best university of Colombia I recommend that study in one of this universities Public that listen in this text. It is necessary to be very smart.

5) For my experience I tell that the environment in the public university is one of the friendliest environments that I stayed because the people are friendly, modest, responsible, disciplined and optimistic. I don’t know how the environments on a private University as, but my experience of study in a public university I tell to you that is one the best experiences in my life.

Students in the library University of Antioquia

This is all I wished to tell to you.

Thanks very much for read my write.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The city of eternal spring versus the surprise city
In Colombia we can find many cities for to know, cities with diversities of mores. In this occasion I want to talk about the city where I live and the city where I lived many things when I was a Child. The two cities are the eternity spring city that is Medellin where I live now and the surprise city that is Pasto very near my town Santiago Putumayo. Now I’m study Mathematics at the Universidad de Antioquia in Medellin and know many places in this city, some very interesting and others no much. Also I remember many experiences when I was a child that lived on the city of Pasto. Now I am going to compare these two cities according to my ideas and thougth, looks advantages and disadvantages.

1)      In this year (2013) Medellin obtain a prize how the most innovate city of the world, Medellin competed with others important cities of the world by obtain this prize and fortunately Medellin was winner.  This proved that Medellin is the best city in Colombia and also the best city in the world obviously.

2)      But Medellin has some things that are not beautiful, for example, some streets are always dirtier while in others places of Medellin the streets are cleanest. This problem affects the image of the city because one can think that all the streets of Medellin are cleaner but problems as the indigence affects the image of Medellin. Pasto is a city in the south of Colombia; I remember that when I was a child Pasto had some problems with the image of the city but the governmental entities with the pass of years have transformed the image of a dirty city to a cleaner city. I think that Medellin needs pay attention to these problems.

3)      Medellin is bigger than Pasto, I think that is very difficult to have all things in order but this city has more technological parks than Pasto because Explora park, Botanical Garden, north Park, lights park are parks that representing science, nature, technology and investigation, because in each one of these parks one can find near a library. For example explora Park is a Park of the science, technology with other things.

4)      Medellin has buildings that are more modern than some buildings in Pasto. For example Medellin has modern library parks while in Pasto there not many  library parks.

5)      Pasto is cheaper than Medellin because many products are produced in the near towns to Pasto for example my town produced milk, corn, tomato, beans and potatoes that to be sold in Pasto and others cities of Colombia. As Pasto is near to Ecuador many products are exported and imported, this favors the offers on many class of products.

6)      As the population in Pasto is much smaller than the population of Medellin, Pasto has more offers of products while Medellin has to import many products of the farms because these things represented more demand.  For this cause Medellin is more expensive than Pasto.

These are some things that I had in mind to comment, but I  love to Medellin and Pasto because these cities represents much for me.


Metropolitan Cathedral of Medellin

This is the Metropolitan Cathedral of Medellin, its construction began on January 15th in 1875. When works began the construction presented many problems because the architect didn’t know sufficient  to develop this construction. How to Because of this the construction of the cathedral was suspended because it was not prudent to continue with the execution of the works. This is called the first phase.
After in the called second phase another person reformulated the project then the structural works finalized on May 24th in 1917 but the construction aren’t finish because lacked details ornamentals.
Finally in 1952 thanks to Pablo Tobon Uribe this monumental building was completed with a great illumination that was designed by the house Rambusch Dec. (New York), factory founded in 1892.
Thank you very much for read my write.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Letter to my girlfriend

Dear María Paula.
I’m very happy because you exist in my life, today I remembered I met to you in a party with our friends on that afternoon on january 17th in 2009, your first smile for me, your beautiful look and our first hug that night try to manifest all those feelings in the dynamic with our friends. After you used to go out more often with our friends but only each one know what a beautiful person to be in that place. Always enjoy go shopping with you because your smile and look were signals of the one hope in my heart but will not believe until confirm my suspicion.
Also I remember those days when I go out to walk by the near jungles of our town and those times when on my motorcycle know the different fields in our neighbors villages in special San Francisco where started our story of two. In those afternoon on July 6th  in 2010 confirmed than you love me.
Now that says to you that I love you with all my strength, mind and heart. Each day you are my source of inspiration and have many surprises for you. Know than you wanted a Bicycle, you already have it, just in this moment when reading this letter. Now in this vacations go to a ride on our bicycles. I want to go camping with you in the jungles near of our village. I would like swimming in the river adjacent to the farm that belonging to my parents. Also I want to travel anywhere you want.

Finally I desired than you to be very happy and in this night talk for cell.
I love you, María Paula.



Hello All,
My name is Jesus Jimmy Pejendino Burbano, I am 25 years old and I’m from Santiago Putumayo Colombia. I am a Mathematics student at the University of Antioquia in Medellin Antioquia. I must say that my lifestyle has been committed in its entirety to Mathematics; however, in the process I have discovered that I needed to learn English because it is essential for my career. In my past I didn’t pay much attention to this language; but now, I wan to be equipped and have the skills to manipulate the language and I know that with faith and love the results will be gratifying. In my free time I like to watch science documentaries, which exemplify the greatness of many scientists that I admire and were distinguished for their great contributions in mathematics, physics and chemistry between other sciences. I like listening to gospel music in gratitude to God for all his blessings on my life; I firmly believe in HIM and I have entrusted my entire life project in his hands. My hobby is reading stories (especially sciences) and when I am on vacation a like to spend the time with my father and enjoy the beautiful geography of my country. My favorite sports are cycling, athletics and work around the live stock.

These are some of my favorite movies and documentaries
The First Miracle
Fermat's Last Theorem
The Story of Electricity