Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The weather in Medellin

Last weekend it was beautiful because I enjoyed a sunny day. I played soccer on Sunday June 16th with my friends because there was  good time and the soccer field of my university  was free. Yesterday it rained at night and I enjoyed seeing the storm of midnight. It was a sunday for me to take a walk and enjoy the nature.


Did you know that…?

*Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is 29,035 feet (8850 meters) high.

*Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. It can be 900 degrees Fahrenheit (482 degrees Celsius)

*The dwarf gecko is the shortest reptile in the world. It is only 0,63 inches (1,6 centimeters) long.

*The blue whale is the heaviest animal in the world. It weighs about 110 tons (99790 kilograms).

*Vatican city is the smallest country in the world. It is 0, 15 square miles (0,4 square kilometers). About 880 people live there.

*The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan the longest bridge in the world. It is about 6,532 feet (1991 meters) long.

How find my neighborhood in Medellin?

It is very easy finding my neighborhood in Medellin; you only need to be in the center of the city after find my neighborhood called Prado Centro. The building where I live  is in Prado Centro, it is on the corner of the Carabobo Avenue and the Moore Street, it is in front of the Church of Jesus of Nazareth, it is near of the SIU [Sede de investigación Universitaria] as you can see in the map.

Some nearby places of my neighborhood are Deseos Park; to eight blocks from my building, The University of Antioquia  is six blocks from my building and North Park, Botanical garden Park and Explora Park  are  ten blocks from my building. The University Hospital is two blocks from my building and Medicine Faculty U of A it is only to one block from my building. Behind to my building there are many mortuaries, a High School and a bakery. My building it is called San Juan del Corral, next to my building there is a restaurant called Mario’s chickens. Also next to other side of my building there is a shop of florist and near a neighborhood store. Finally the train station called Prado is  four blocks from my building.

I traveled on my motorcycle with my mother when unfortunately the tire got flattened, we went in a jungle for one hour out of the town. Fortunately, my mother knows some farmers that lived in the zone near where we were, we walked for 1 km and found a house, immediately my mother call a friend who worked beside the house. He came to where we were, greeted and asked. What do you need? We answered that we needed some tools and patches to repair the tire. Then, he quickly sought in a drawer and lend out our tools and patches. With these tools and patches it was easy to repair the spoilt tire. After a few minutes the tire was repaired and we were very grateful with the man, we said goodbye and we continued our travel quickly because we needed  to arrive  to our house before the sundown because our motorcycle didn´t have lights.
Activity: forms ed and ing.

Varied sentences.

*A month ago, I was surprised because my father bought a new car. That is surprising.

*I have to write four sentences more but I don't have more paper to print all my work. That is worrying.

*We see a beautiful house to buy. That is interesting.

*Today I am excited because I solved fifteen Real analysis problems. That is amazing.

*In this night I am worried because I cann't sleep. That is worrying.

*I am interested in learning English very well because I want to study at Cambridge University or Princeton University or Harvard University. That is astonishing.

Thank you very much for read this text.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


What you have done?

What you have never done?

My life when I lived in Santiago Putumayo

I lived in Santiago Putumayo for 20 years. I grew in this town and enjoyed all my childhood in farms, in my town and played many games with others children. I loved the dishes of many foods of my land for example I liked a dish of cuy, a dish of mote and a dish of creoles roster, mmmm each one of these dishes were very delicious. When I was 8 I learned milking the cows and enjoyed very much working with livestock. When I was 7 I learned to drive bicycle, when I was 11 I learned to drive a motorcycle and when I was 12 I learned to drive my father's truck. I enjoyed very much drove because I liked seeing the geography of my country. When I was 7 I began to study in the school and when I was 17 I finished my studies in my high school.

I’ve cooked a meal for my parents but never cooked a meal for a lot people. Sometimes I worked in farms of our neighbors and many times I worked with my parents in our lands. I’ve helped to my grandparents when they were sick but never had I helped another person’s because I didn’t have the opportunity.

Many times I enjoyed of the Canaval of my comunity Inga.


I want to Future these things

When I finish my studies in Mathematics in the university of Antioquia I want to finish my studies in physics in Brazil, I am going to finish my studies of Mathematics in the year 2015 and it is possible that finish my studies on physics in the year 2016 at the University called [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro]. Also it is possible that in this year 2013 I will  study Chemistry and Biology with my friend Juan Carlos in the National University because we will publish articles about applications of statistics in genetics specially Bayesian Statistics, then it is necessary that I know about Genetics. Also in December in the year 2014 I will get my English  grade in Multilingua. Oh my God, there are many dreams and many projects.
Well after all these things I want to study at The United States in Harvard University or Princeton University, it is for this reason that I am working very hard because I need to get much knowledge and of this way I will to get much success in my studies of postgraduate.
One time that I obtain my academic success I am going to get married with my girlfriend and we will have many children as minimum two.
I am going to give much happiness to my parents because I believe that all things are possible in my Lord Jesus Christ.
I love learning English because this language will open all doors to my plans. I want to return to Colombia after my studies of postgraduate and work in some University of my Country. I also love learning Physics of particles, algebraic structures and understand Statistics. My favorite book  will always be the Holy Bible.