Wednesday, April 24, 2013



This is my mother. This photo was taken for me in the vacations of December in the year 2010 on our farm. My mom was milking the cows when I arrived to my town and after on my motorcycle I traveled to our farm by to visit my mom in her work. In this photo my mom separated the calf before milking the mama cow. It was a cloudy afternoon, but the beauty of our flat green fields adorned this moment. It is for this reason that this photo is of the best photos.

After she separated the calf my mother walked with me to my motorcycle. Then she took the next photo.

In the second photo I was on my motorcycle, a Suzuki Ts 185 of the year 1982, when the sun comes out. In this photo my motorcycle is looks very old and this had 28 years ago of very hard work. When I was a baby my dad traveled on this motorcycle with my mom and me, with the passing of the years this motorcycle has become ugly but it is my favorite.

Finally in the third photo we see an old house. This house was built by a friend of my parents on a farm that they purchased from Mariano Tisoy a great man that helped my parents at the beginning of their marriage. When I was a child in this house I shared with others children’s sons of our workers. In this played soccer and many games of children as the hide and seek.

This farm is called <<El Pakay>> in dialect INGA, this translates, hide and seek.